
Last week we launched the site and the response has been brilliant.  We have had people e mailing us with well wishes along with orders which is fantastic.  Retail is not something that Andrew and I have been involved in before so it is a bit like the blind leading the blind. We are desperately trying to harness the power of social media at the minute and workout the best way to spread the Oz Overboot message.

We have been away to Hunstanton for a few days with old Harper friends so some orders were fulfilled while we were away.  The lady in Old Hunstanton Post Office could not have been more obliging and found it fascinating that I could continue to send orders out even when on holiday.  The power of Smartphones is amazing and my phone pings as soon as I have an order.

I can only hope that next week goes as well as this week.  

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Please note that the Royal Mail have planned strikes over the next couple of weeks that might cause a few days delay in the delivery of your order! We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience. We will be sending items 1st class in an attempt to speed up delivery.

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